Build instructions for PySide2

The OVITO package includes a distribution of the PySide2 module and Shiboken2 module licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3). In accordance with the requirements of this license, this page provides instructions on how to obtain or rebuild compatible versions of these binary modules from source.


OVITO Pro for Windows ships with a copy of the official PySide2 module (version 5.15.0) from the PyPI repository.


OVITO Pro for Linux ships with a copy of the PySide2 module that has been built from the original sources provided by the Qt Company, following the standard procedure described here. PySide2 v5.15 has been compiled against Qt 5.15.2 (see here) and a build of the standard CPython 3.9 interpreter:

# Build platform: CentOS 6.9
# Compiler: g++ 7.1 (CentOS devtoolset-7)
git clone --recursive
cd pyside-setup
git checkout 5.15
python3 install \
  --qmake=$HOME/progs/qt5/bin/qmake \
  --ignore-git \
  --no-examples \
  --module-subset=Core,Gui,Widgets,Xml,Network,Svg \


OVITO Pro for macOS ships with a copy of the PySide2 module that has been built from the original sources provided by the Qt Company, following the standard procedure described here. PySide2 v5.15 has been compiled against Qt 5.15.2 (macOS) and a standard installation of the CPython 3.8 interpreter for macOS (64-bit):

git clone --recursive
cd pyside-setup
git checkout 5.15
sudo CLANG_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/progs/libclang python3.8 install \
  --qmake=`echo $HOME/Qt/5.*.*/clang_64/bin/qmake` \
  --ignore-git \
  --module-subset=Core,Gui,Widgets,Xml,Network,Svg \