

This visual element visualizes vectorial particle properties as arrows. The Displacement vectors modifier, for example, outputs the calculated displacement vector of each particle as a new particle property named Displacement. This property is associated with a corresponding Vectors visual element, which appears under the “Visual elements” section of the pipeline editor (see screenshot), and which controls the visualization of the vector data as arrow glyphs.

Arrow coloring

Note that, by default, all arrows are rendered in the same uniform color. If desired, however, you can give each arrow an individual color by setting the Vector Color particle property, for example using the Color coding or Compute property modifiers.


Shading mode

Selects between a three-dimensional (Normal) and a two-dimensional (Flat) rendering of of arrow glyphs.

Scaling factor

The arrow length is scaled by this factor. The default scaling factor is 1.0, which means the arrow length exactly matches the original three-dimensional vector.

Arrow width

The diameter or width of the arrow lines (in simulation units of length).


Controls how arrows are positioned relative to the particles they are associated with.

Reverse direction

Flips the direction of all arrows, swapping their heads and tails.

Arrow color

The display color of arrows. This uniform color is used when the Vector Color particle property is not present. Otherwise the per-particle colors defined by the Vector Color property are used to render the arrows.


The degree of semi-transparency of the arrows.


Three-dimensional offset by which all arrows should be displaced. The offset parameter can be used to move the arrows fully in front of or behind the particles to avoid undesirable occlusions.

See also

ovito.vis.VectorVis (Python API)