Python script viewport layer pro


This type of viewport layer lets you write your own Python script function to paint arbitrary text and graphics on top of images rendered in OVITO. This makes it possible to enrich figures or movies with additional information (e.g. a scale bar or a data plot).

The Edit script button opens a code editor, where you enter the code for the user-defined render() function. This function will be invoked by OVITO each time the viewport is repainted or whenever an image or movie frame is being rendered. The args function parameter gives access to a QPainter object, which allows issuing arbitrary drawing commands to paint over the three-dimensional objects rendered by OVITO.

Any Python exceptions that raised during script execution are displayed in the output area below. It also shows any output from calls to the print() Python function.


The user-defined script has full access to OVITO’s data model and can access viewport properties, camera and animation settings, modifiers, and data pipeline outputs. For more information on OVITO’s Python interface and the object model, see the OVITO’s Python interface.


This page provides several code examples demonstrating how to write a render() function for a Python viewport layer:

See also

ovito.vis.PythonViewportOverlay (Python API)